For copyrighted data in FRED, you must get permission from the original data provider (identified in the Notes) if. The client app is Excel 98 and Excel 2001 and both are using the Merant ODBC 3.5.1 drivers that MS made available on their web site when they forgot to include them on the Excel 2001 CD. The notes also include any relevant copyright information. My spec is I have 1 x Mac OS 9 clean and 1 x Mac OS 9 Classic connecting to a Win2000 Server running SQL Server 2000. Share them with others and work together at the same time. Fred Olsen Production: Tactical & Strategic Database Specifications - Oslo perspectives (Tactical & Strategic - Norway Book 3207) - Kindle edition by.
View the Suggested Citation to see how you may cite the data series. Collaborate for free with an online version of Microsoft Excel.
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